29 06, 2023


By |2023-06-29T21:23:38-05:00June 29th, 2023|Blogs, Uncategorized|

For many, pending deadlines and packed schedules are not overwhelming, but instead can be a driving force that pushes them toward greater productivity. We have processes to streamline, goals to achieve, promotions to earn, debt to eliminate, exercise regimes to master, dreams to chase, and people to help and inspire. The “I work best under pressure” mantra environment creates a Catch-22; we get frustrated with ongoing stress but perform at the highest level of effectiveness and efficiency when under the exact stress we try to escape. For some, busyness can be reassuring; a feeling of constant [...]

22 03, 2023


By |2023-08-07T14:10:40-05:00March 22nd, 2023|Blogs, Uncategorized|

The subject line of this article may already have you rolling your eyes; of course, we all know the power of positivity. We recognize we should always look on the bright side, turn a frown upside down, and keep our chins up. But we all have bad days that just seem like it would have been a better idea to never leave the house, and we all have frustrated moments where we need to blow off steam. Have you ever noticed that some people seem to need these venting sessions more than others? Have you noticed [...]

28 02, 2023


By |2023-08-07T14:10:40-05:00February 28th, 2023|Blogs, Uncategorized|

I just find myself with too much time on my hands throughout the day!” Is it safe to assume that this statement has rarely, if ever, been muttered by leaders and managers in today’s professional environment? In fact, “being busy” is often worn as a prideful badge of honor. It is a popular statement in part because it is an admirable one. Having free time, on the other hand, makes you look dispensable and irrelevant. In a time when we are accessible every moment of every day when organizations are lean, yet expectations are high, we [...]

26 01, 2023


By |2023-08-07T14:10:40-05:00January 26th, 2023|Blogs, Uncategorized|

Since childhood, we have all been raised by the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Many would cite this ethical code as one of their aspirations by which to live, both personally and professionally. The problem with the Golden Rule? It implies the basic assumption that other people would like to be treated the way that you would like to be treated. As a leader, consider instead operating by the Platinum Rule: "Treat others the way they want to be treated." The Platinum Rule accommodates the desires of [...]

15 12, 2022


By |2023-08-07T14:10:40-05:00December 15th, 2022|Blogs, Uncategorized|

As human beings, we are naturally programmed with an existing set of emotions, habits, perspectives, and opinions. We are sometimes drawn to making decisions for reasons we do not fully understand; we might hire a new employee because it feels right, or we promote those on our team because they deserve it. Decision-making lies at the very core of our personal and professional lives. Understanding the psychology of good decisions on an individual level can make a tremendous impact on an organization as a whole. Psychologists and behavioral economists have studied this issue and understanding their [...]

10 11, 2022


By |2023-08-07T14:10:40-05:00November 10th, 2022|Blogs, Uncategorized|

Quiet quitting. What began as a viral video has become one of the most talked about (and written about) topics this year. Is it a valid phenomenon, or is it nothing more than catchy clickbait? To a certain degree, the answer to that question does not matter. Rather than debating the significance of the symptoms, this is an opportunity for leaders to proactively address the more important matter: the cause. While many organizations excel in the areas of employee engagement and retention, the tenor in the marketplace (and perhaps why the original video gained so much [...]

13 10, 2022


By |2023-08-07T14:10:40-05:00October 13th, 2022|Blogs, Uncategorized|

Being an entrepreneur, or having entrepreneurial abilities, is an admired trait in our society. If you asked a candidate in an interview if they view themselves as entrepreneurs, the socially acceptable answer is a resounding “absolutely”. If you asked individuals on your current team or in your department if they felt they had an entrepreneurial spirit, the answer would likely be affirmative. However, these types of questions often garner answers associated not with the true self, but with the idealized self. The idealized self is an image of what we should be, must be, [...]

29 08, 2022


By |2023-08-07T14:10:41-05:00August 29th, 2022|Blogs, Uncategorized|

Over a career spanning nearly half a century, Harvard University psychology professor J. Richard Hackman garnered widespread esteem and accolades for pioneering the study of team dynamics. Hackman led a team designed to evaluate what makes intelligence units effective by surveying, interviewing, and observing hundreds of analysts across 64 different intelligence groups. What they discovered was that the critical factor wasn’t having a tenured team with the right number of people. It wasn’t having a vision that is clear, challenging, and meaningful. Nor was it well-defined roles and responsibilities, or appropriate rewards and recognition, or strong [...]

14 07, 2022


By |2023-08-07T14:10:41-05:00July 14th, 2022|Blogs, Uncategorized|

Humans speak their first fully-formed words sometime between 9–12 months of age. It’s a big deal, delighting our parents and launching us into the world of interactive communication. For the rest of our lives, words are the foundation of (almost) everything we do. Psychologist and author Dr. Jordan Peterson says, “If you can think, speak, and write, you are absolutely deadly. Nothing can get in your way.” If Dr. Peterson is right, then why are we so often inattentive to, and careless with, the manner in which we use our words? There are lots of possible [...]

14 06, 2022


By |2023-08-07T14:10:41-05:00June 14th, 2022|Blogs, Uncategorized|

As one responsible for a business's profitability, I never seem to have the time to coach my people consistently. They have such a limited attention span that I get the feeling, especially with my veterans, that they aren’t really into learning anyway. “How do I find the balance and provide them with what they need in a format that is of interest and relevant?” This question ranks number one among company owners, managers, and even trainers trying to find the balance between their own workload and providing their employees with essential skills and knowledge. We [...]

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