31 10, 2024

Six Essential Leadership Skills & How to Develop Them

By |2024-11-18T17:28:00-06:00October 31st, 2024|Blogs, Uncategorized|

By Rebecca Knight, Harvard Business Review, October 18, 2024 The way we work has changed — and so has leadership. “The best leaders of the twentieth century were question answerers, setting the vision and strategy from above,” says Kirstin Lynde, founder of the leadership development firm Catalyze Associates. “But the best leaders in the twenty-first century are question-askers. They seek feedback and new perspectives, and they ask curious questions about themselves, their teams, and their environment.” The pandemic also had a profound and lasting impact on leadership dynamics, notes Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks, a behavioral scientist at [...]

30 09, 2024

The New Recruitment Challenge: Filtering AI-Crafted Résumés

By |2024-10-08T09:46:19-05:00September 30th, 2024|Blogs, Uncategorized|

By Katherine Bindley, WSJ, September 4, 2024 Technology companies have embraced the efficiencies that artificial intelligence has brought to the hiring process. Now they are dealing with the downside of candidates who leverage it themselves.  Candidates are using generative AI tools to build résumés that are customized to each job for which they are applying. They then can fire off résumés in rapid succession or have bots do so for them. They are also relying on AI to prepare for interviews, which is leading to a sameness among applicants. As a result, tech firms and [...]

30 08, 2024

The 3 New Rules Of Recruitment In An Age Of AII

By |2024-09-06T21:05:46-05:00August 30th, 2024|Blogs, Uncategorized|

By Dave Winsborough, Forbes, August 16, 2024 The rise of Gen AI has increased volatility in a job market already roiled by covid and the great resignation. It is now driving two key trends. The first is that new jobs will become more complex. An Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development report showed that highly skilled jobs increased by 25% over the last 20 years and that before 2030 more than a billion jobs worldwide will be transformed. Second, organizations are shifting to skills-based hiring strategies and relying less on traditional signals of talent, like [...]

31 07, 2024

Are Superstar Employees Worth It?

By |2024-08-03T23:01:26-05:00July 31st, 2024|Blogs, Uncategorized|

By Matthew Call, Wall Street Journal, July 27, 2024 Every leader wants a superstar on the team—the employee who can deliver double or triple the output of an average employee. These workers have the potential to single-handedly change the fortunes of a business. But the promise of big results comes at a price. Business lore is filled with stories of organizations bending over backward to recruit and retain top performers, offering lavish salaries, perks, and privileges. Little wonder, then, that even as bosses are wooing superstars, there is inevitably a question gnawing at them: Is [...]

28 06, 2024

Onboarding New Employees In A Hybrid Workplace

By |2024-08-03T23:05:39-05:00June 28th, 2024|Blogs, Uncategorized|

By by Dawn Klinghoffer, Karen Kocher, and Natalie Luna, HBR, June 5, 2024 During the pandemic, companies around the world explored new ways of working that challenged long-held assumptions and beliefs about where work gets done. Many companies, including Microsoft, saw the benefits of flexible work and wanted to offer employees a chance to continue to work in a hybrid environment while balancing the needs of the organization. . One aspect of work that changed during the remote era, and continues to evolve, is onboarding: a key moment for new employees to build connections [...]

31 05, 2024

Landing A Job Is All About Who You Know (Again)

By |2024-06-10T15:55:39-05:00May 31st, 2024|Blogs, Uncategorized|

By Callum Borchers and Lindsay Ellis May 30, 2024 Nine-hundred eighty-three people applied online for a job posted recently by tech recruiter Rob Tansey. The candidate who got the offer wasn’t one of them. Tansey, who scouts potential hires for aviation-software maker Veryon, received a half dozen referrals from a woman he knew from past job searches. One of those six quickly became the front-runner. That’s often how Tansey operates: He estimates that just 40% of successful applicants come in cold through his company’s job portal. “There’s an idealist in me that wants to look [...]

31 01, 2024


By |2024-02-02T14:42:42-06:00January 31st, 2024|Blogs, Uncategorized|

By Dr. Richard Osibanjo (Forbes, December 30, 2023) As the New Year unfolds, many people embark on ambitious resolutions, only to see them unravel within the first month. The lack of depth, infrastructure, and support systems often hinder sustained progress when life becomes hectic. Imagine trying to slim down but checking progress only once a year – this sporadic approach is a recipe for disappointment. To ensure 2024 becomes your most successful year yet, consider these practical steps: . #1 Make self-reflection a habit: Self-reflection is a prerequisite for growth. Harry Kraemer, former CEO of Baxter [...]

26 01, 2023


By |2023-08-07T14:10:40-05:00January 26th, 2023|Blogs, Uncategorized|

Since childhood, we have all been raised by the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Many would cite this ethical code as one of their aspirations by which to live, both personally and professionally. The problem with the Golden Rule? It implies the basic assumption that other people would like to be treated the way that you would like to be treated. As a leader, consider instead operating by the Platinum Rule: "Treat others the way they want to be treated." The Platinum Rule accommodates the desires of [...]

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