31 05, 2024

Landing A Job Is All About Who You Know (Again)

By |2024-06-10T15:55:39-05:00May 31st, 2024|Blogs, Uncategorized|

By Callum Borchers and Lindsay Ellis May 30, 2024 Nine-hundred eighty-three people applied online for a job posted recently by tech recruiter Rob Tansey. The candidate who got the offer wasn’t one of them. Tansey, who scouts potential hires for aviation-software maker Veryon, received a half dozen referrals from a woman he knew from past job searches. One of those six quickly became the front-runner. That’s often how Tansey operates: He estimates that just 40% of successful applicants come in cold through his company’s job portal. “There’s an idealist in me that wants to look [...]

29 03, 2024

When New Hires Get Paid More…

By |2024-04-01T21:30:46-05:00March 29th, 2024|Blogs, Uncategorized|

By Andrea Derler, Peter Bamberger, Manda Winlaw, and Cuthbert Chow, Harvard Business Review, March 5, 2024 To attract top talent, employers often pay new hires more than they pay existing employees in equivalent roles. This isn’t new. But today, regulatory changes and technological advances have dramatically increased pay transparency in many sectors, making employees more aware of these pay disparities. Moreover, data from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce indicates that the workforce is expected to shrink in 2024, while a global survey of more than 30,000 employees found that salaries are expected to increase by an [...]

22 03, 2023


By |2023-08-07T14:10:40-05:00March 22nd, 2023|Blogs, Uncategorized|

The subject line of this article may already have you rolling your eyes; of course, we all know the power of positivity. We recognize we should always look on the bright side, turn a frown upside down, and keep our chins up. But we all have bad days that just seem like it would have been a better idea to never leave the house, and we all have frustrated moments where we need to blow off steam. Have you ever noticed that some people seem to need these venting sessions more than others? Have you noticed [...]

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